Self Tests
Self Tests
Screening self-tests are tools that help you look at your mental health or wellness. These tests look for signs or symptoms that can show up in some mental illnesses. They can also help you look at patterns of feelings or patterns of substance use and gambling
Depression Test
The Depression Test is for individuals who are feeling overwhelming sadness.
Take Depression Test
Psychosis Test
The Psychosis Test is for young people (age 12-35) who feel like their brain is playing tricks on them (seeing, hearing or believing things that don’t seem real or quite right).
Take Psychosis Test
The PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Test is for those who are bothered by a traumatic life event.
Take PTSD Test
Addiction Test
The Addiction Test (Alcohol and substance use test) will help determine if your use of alcohol or drugs is an area to address.
Take Addiction Test
Postpartum Depression Test
The Postpartum Depression Test is for new and expecting mothers who began feeling overwhelming sadness after becoming pregnant or giving birth.
Take Postpartum Depression Test
Bipolar Test
The Bipolar Test is for individuals who have mood swings—or unusual or extreme shifts in mood and energy.
Take Bipolar Test
Parent Test
The Parent Test is for parents of young people to determine if their child’s emotions, attention, or behaviors might be signs of a problem.
Take Parent Test
Anxiety Test
The Anxiety Test is for people who feel that worry and fear are affecting their ability to function day to day.
Take Anxiety Test
Eating Disorder Test
The Eating Disorder Test can help explore eating related concerns that have an impact on your physical health and overall well-being.
Take Eating Disorder Test
Youth Test
The Youth Test is for young people (age 11-17) who are concerned that their emotions, attention, or behaviors might be signs of a problem.
Take Youth Test
Stress & Anxiety
Have you suffered with two or more continuous weeks of:
- Feeling anxious, frustrated, and/or irritable
- Feeling on edge
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Difficulty sleeping
- Fatigue, headaches, and/or muscle aches
- Lowered productivity and/or performance
- Catastrophic thinking
Have you suffered with two or more continuous weeks of:
- Feeling sad, lonely, despair, and/or hopeless
- Experiencing over/under reaction to events
- Having problems concentrating/remembering
- Experiencing difficulty in making decisions
- Changes in appetite and/or weight
- Experiencing insomnia and/or wanting to sleep all the time
- Experiencing the loss of enjoyment from activities you once enjoyed
- Feeling unmotivated, apathetic, and/or bored
Alcohol & Drugs
- Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking and/or drug use?
- Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking and/or drug use?
- Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking and/or drug use?
- Have you ever had a drink or other drug to steady your nerves and/or to get rid of a hangover?
- Have you ever broken a promise to reduce your drinking and/or drug use or to quit altogether?
- Has drinking and/or the use of other drugs interfered with your work, relationships, and/or other commitments?
- Have you ever lied to cover up your drinking and/or drug use?
- Are you drinking and/or using drugs during the work day?
- Are you coming to work after a long night of drinking and/or using drugs and counting the hours until the end of the work day to have a drink and/or use drugs again?

Problem Gambling

- Have you ever had trouble sleeping because of gambling?
- Are you reluctant to use “gambling” money to pay bills?
- Do you ever gamble longer and/or spend more money than planned?
- Have you had to sell things to finance your gambling?
- After a win, do you have a strong urge to return and win some more?
- Has gambling adversely affected your relationships, reputation, and/or career?
- Do you ever gamble to get money to pay debts?
- Do arguments, frustrations, and/or disappointments create an urge to gamble?
- Have you ever borrowed client’s monies to cover your gambling debt or to finance your gambling?
Kentucky Lawyer Assistance Program
Kentucky Supreme Court Rules 3.900 through 3.995 establish and implement the Kentucky Lawyer Assistance Program (KYLAP). KYLAP is a broad-brush program involving assistance for impairment that may result from addiction to intoxication or drugs, chemical dependency, substance abuse, mental disease, mental disorder or defect, psychological or emotional illness that impairs, or may foreseeably impair, a person’s ability to practice law or serve on the bench. Services are available for law students, lawyers and judges.
The mission and purpose of KYLAP is to address impairment or potential impairment issues within the Kentucky legal community and to offer confidential assistance to those who are affected in a manner that serves to help insure a continuing high standard of professional competence.
Strict confidentiality is assured by SCR 3.990.
Contact us 24 hours a day at (502) 226-9373 to get help for any Kentucky lawyer in need.
Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 3.990, all communication with KYLAP is confidential.
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Alcohol and Substance Abuse Disorder
Stress and Burnout
Compulsive Gambling
Eating Disorders
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KYLAP Foundation
The KYLAP Foundation needs your support to enhance the services we can provide to lawyers in need. Click here to learn more.