Lawyer Recovery Meetings
Lawyers and Depression: Outreach and Prevention Tools for Lawyers
Yvette Hourigan JD, CEAP, APSS and Bruce Simpson, JD
1 Hour On-Demand CLE
Activity Code: 271260
Kentucky Lawyer Assistance Program
Kentucky Supreme Court Rules 3.900 through 3.995 establish and implement the Kentucky Lawyer Assistance Program (KYLAP). KYLAP is a broad-brush program involving assistance for impairment that may result from addiction to intoxication or drugs, chemical dependency, substance abuse, mental disease, mental disorder or defect, psychological or emotional illness that impairs, or may foreseeably impair, a person’s ability to practice law or serve on the bench. Services are available for law students, lawyers and judges.
The mission and purpose of KYLAP is to address impairment or potential impairment issues within the Kentucky legal community and to offer confidential assistance to those who are affected in a manner that serves to help insure a continuing high standard of professional competence.
Strict confidentiality is assured by SCR 3.990.
Contact us 24 hours a day at (502) 226-9373 to get help for any Kentucky lawyer in need.
Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 3.990, all communication with KYLAP is confidential.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
The KYLAP Foundation needs your support to enhance the services we can provide to lawyers in need.
Need Help Now?
Suicide help:
Call 988
or text 741741
More help…
Click here for help with:
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Disorder
Stress and Burnout
Compulsive Gambling
Eating Disorders
Who We Help
KYLAP Foundation
The KYLAP Foundation needs your support to enhance the services we can provide to lawyers in need. Click here to learn more.